Best Practices for Seeding

Think of Kafkai as a human writer when giving it seeds. The writer works by reading the last 100 words, and then continue writing from that. You cannot give it bullet points on which it would expand into a full article. 

The best way to think about seed is to imagine an intro into a long article that tells everything that will be discussed in the article. 

Examples of good seeds

Broad, common titles

If the title you're using has been used a ton of times on the internet, it's a great way to generate a good article.

How to lose weight
Ketogenic diet

Paragraphs that have a natural flow into explanations

These are usually good intro paragraphs that explain what is written in the next few paragraphs.

Keto can be transformative, but staying motivated can be tough since it's a pretty restrictive diet. Many people give up in the first few weeks because of side effects like nausea and fatigue, also known as keto flu. Luckily, these side effects only last a couple of weeks at most, so hang in there. Cravings can be an issue, but they're much easier to overcome if you're prepared for them. If you need extra support on your weight loss journey, check out online keto communities and social media groups.
Keto diets have become a popular way to jump-start weight loss. However, most people find keto diets impractical or even unhealthy to sustain long-term, so it’s important to have a strategy for stopping keto. Weight gain often occurs when you go off keto, but this is less likely and more manageable if you transition from keto slowly and reintroduce carbs gradually.

Paragraphs that give a lot of different information

The more information you give Kafkai, the easier it finds something to work with.

When you’re following a ketogenic diet, your body loses minerals, which are called electrolytes, faster than other people because you urinate more often. These minerals include calcium, potassium, sodium, chloride, and magnesium. If you don’t replace your lost electrolytes, you’ll likely feel dehydrated, tired, and lightheaded. Fortunately, you can avoid these symptoms by choosing foods, drinks, or supplements that are high in these nutrients.
A ketogenic diet (also known as “nutritional ketosis”) is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. On a ketogenic diet, your brain uses ketones (a byproduct of your fat-burning metabolism) for fuel, instead of glucose. Since humans can burn either glucose or ketones for energy, this change is possible to make, although there is some controversy surrounding ketogenic diets regarding both their efficacy and health benefit.

Examples of poor seeds

Vague and complex titles

If the title is about a vague, limited topic, then Kafkai will not likely be able to generate a good output.

What are the long-term effects of, and are there any safety issues related to, the ketogenic diet?
Best Glucometer of 2020

Titles that can't expand into a full article

If the title has a yes or no or a 1-2 sentence answer, then it's probably not going to produce good articles.

Can I lose weight using the Ketogenic diet?
Will redecorating the kitchen cost a lot of money?

Paragraphs that are a finished unit

Does the paragraph tell you everything about the topic? If it's a summary-type paragraph instead of an intro-type, results will probably not be that good.

The ketogenic diet is very popular in health and fitness communities, and has been shown to be effective for weight loss in more than 20 scientific studies. It’s intended to train your body to burn primarily fat for energy. Some studies show a keto diet can even help treat Alzeheimer’s, epilepsy, and Parkinson’s!

Paragraphs that talks about specific brands

Kafkai cannot write about product reviews.

The market for wearable fitness trackers has grown a lot in recent years, but there’s no question that Fitbit was one of the pioneers of this technology. Right now, Fitbit still remains ahead of the race for fitness tracker supremacy and has shown no signs of slowing down with a more diverse product line. But how do you choose the best Fitbit for your weight loss journey? Start by comparing features, then learn how each feature can help you to make the necessary diet and activity changes to reach your weight loss goals

Paragraphs that are too technical and includes multiple annotations

Keep it simple and natural. 

Popular ketogenic resources suggest an average of 70-80% fat from total daily calories, 5-10% carbohydrate, and 10-20% protein. For a 2000-calorie diet, this translates to about 165 grams fat, 40 grams carbohydrate, and 75 grams protein. The protein amount on the ketogenic diet is kept moderate in comparison with other low-carb high-protein diets, because eating too much protein can prevent ketosis. The amino acids in protein can be converted to glucose, so a ketogenic diet specifies enough protein to preserve lean body mass including muscle, but that will still cause ketosis
The ketogenic (keto) diet is very popular in health and fitness communities -- and has been shown to be effective for weight loss in more than 20 scientific studies.[1] It’s intended to train your body to burn primarily fat for energy. Some studies show a keto diet can even help treat Alzeheimer’s, epilepsy, and Parkinson’s.[2]

The short version is that when you're giving it seeds, think if a human would be able to write a full article from that. The seed you give the writer greatly impacts the quality of the output.

You can do a quick Google search about your topic, find a good article, and use the first paragraph from that article which is usually an intro into the topic. You can also use WikiHow - our recommended portal to use for getting seeds since they cover almost all niches that Kafkai writes. The sample seeds above are all extracted from WikiHow articles.

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