How to Generate Articles

There are three modes for generating articles.

Mode 1: Niche Article Writer

If you're in a hurry and don't have a specific article subject in mind, just choose your niche and Kafkai will write articles on random topics.


  • Fastest generation.
  • Good quality.


  • No control over the topic.

Mode 2: Advanced Niche Article Writer with Seeding

If you have a specific subject in mind for a niche that Kafkai supports, you can give it a seed paragraph that it will use to write the article. This seed can come from an article you found on a website, or you can write it on your own. The seed is never included in the article itself.

For example, if you want an article on the keto diet, select the niche (Weight Loss), click Advanced, enter a topic sentence or paragraph (you can copy a paragraph from any website), and then click Generate.

Choosing the correct niche is vital. If you want articles on "outdoor patio" and choose the Weight Loss niche, that will return gibberish articles. When you want something that could fit into multiple niches, try them all and see what works best.

Please note that the output quality will significantly depend on the seed and niche so we suggest testing a few approaches and seeing which works best.

Please read our article on Best Practices for Seeding.


  • Good quality.
  • Can control the topic.
  • The best results with a good seed.


  • Slower generation.

Mode 3: General Writer with Seeding

If your niche is not supported yet, or you want to experiment with the output, you can use the general niche. It writes articles from a non-trained model and can write on multiple topics, including niches not trained in our models.

The quality will vary significantly. If you're generating a very broad article, then this will work well. If you want a very niche article, then it might not come out well because there was not enough training data about the topic.


  • I can write about anything.


  • Quality can vary significantly.
  • Slower generation.

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